Dermaplane Facial

Dermaplane Facial

A dermaplane facial, also known simply as dermaplaning, is a non-invasive skincare procedure that involves the use of a surgical scalpel to exfoliate the top layer of skin on your face, including dead skin cells and vellus hair, often referred to as "peach fuzz." This treatment offers several benefits and is commonly performed in skincare clinics or by licensed estheticians. Here's a detailed explanation of what happens during a dermaplane facial:

  1. Cleansing: The procedure tbegins with the cleansing of your face to remove any makeup, dirt, or oils. This step ensures that your skin is clean and ready for the dermaplaning process.

  2. Preparation: After cleansing, your skincare professional will prepare your skin for the dermaplaning procedure. This may involve applying a gentle chemical exfoliant or toner to further prepare your skin and enhance the effectiveness of dermaplaning.

  3. Dermaplaning: The main part of the dermaplane facial involves using a sterile surgical scalpel with a specialized blade to gently scrape across the surface of your skin at a 45-degree angle. This scraping motion effectively removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells, as well as the fine, vellus hair on your face. The procedure is performed with precision to ensure safety and avoid any discomfort.

  4. Instant Exfoliation: Dermaplaning provides immediate exfoliation, revealing smoother and more radiant skin underneath. It also allows skincare products to penetrate more deeply into the skin, making them more effective.

  5. Hair Removal: In addition to exfoliating the skin, dermaplaning effectively removes the fine facial hair, which can leave your skin feeling exceptionally smooth. Contrary to popular belief, the hair does not grow back thicker or darker after dermaplaning.

  6. Post-Treatment Care: After the dermaplaning is complete, your skincare professional will apply soothing and hydrating products, such as a mask or moisturizer, to calm the skin and enhance its hydration.

  7. Sun Protection: It's crucial to protect your newly exfoliated skin from the sun after a dermaplane facial. Sunscreen application is strongly recommended to prevent sun damage and maintain the benefits of the treatment.

Benefits of a Dermaplane Facial:

  • Smooth and Radiant Skin: Dermaplaning immediately improves the texture and appearance of your skin, leaving it smoother and more radiant.
  • Improved Product Absorption: With the outer layer of dead skin removed, skincare products can penetrate more effectively, leading to better results from your skincare routine.
  • Peach Fuzz Removal: The treatment effectively removes vellus hair, resulting in a smooth complexion.
  • Non-Invasive: Dermaplaning is a non-invasive procedure that requires no downtime and is generally well-tolerated by most individuals.
  • Minimized Appearance of Fine Lines: Dermaplaning can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as they are often more pronounced on the surface layer of skin.
  • Even Skin Tone: It can help improve skin tone and reduce the visibility of pigmentation irregularities.

Dermaplaning is suitable for most skin types, but it is essential to consult with a licensed skincare professional to determine if it's the right treatment for you. Additionally, while dermaplaning is generally safe, it should be performed by a trained and experienced practitioner to minimize any risks or discomfort.